MicroWave Imager for MetOp-SG: development status and Instrument verification

Autor: Luca Salghetti Drioli, Christian Tabart, Paolo Colucci, Tito Lupi, Nicola Gatti, Fabio Tominetti, Emma Matarazzo, Enrico Vetrano, Laurence Peube, Christophe Malassingne, Walter Di Nicolantonio, Andrea Di Cintio, Carine Bredin
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 16th Specialist Meeting on Microwave Radiometry and Remote Sensing for the Environment (MicroRad).
DOI: 10.1109/microrad49612.2020.9342547
Popis: MWI (Micro Wave Imager) is one of the sensors of MetOp Second Generation Sat-B devoted to observe clouds and precipitations, water vapor and temperature gross profiles.MWI will provide global microwave imaging data useful to retrieve information on precipitating and non-precipitating liquid and frozen hydrometeors and relevant surface characteristics (e.g. windspeed over ocean and sea-ice coverage). The present paper will give an overview of the instrument design and will report on the status of the development and verification.
Databáze: OpenAIRE