A Method For Simultaneous Registration Of Motion And Electromyography During Walking

Autor: V. Giith, F. Abbink, H. Theysohn, W. Heinrichs
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: SPIE Proceedings.
ISSN: 0277-786X
DOI: 10.1117/12.956943
Popis: The points the movements of which are to be registered are marked by little light sensitive photoamplifiers. These are periodically (50 times per second) exposed to a VA-shaped bright figure projected by a rotating mirror. The pattern of the resulting electrical impulses is analysed by a computer controlled fast digital time counting apparatus with a clock of 100 ns. Is this way we get every 20 ms the respective position of the marked points (up to nine). The results of this method are simular to the well known photographic chronocyclography with the advantage, however, that the momentary positions of the points are calculated on line (accuracy ± 2 mm). In the intervals between the sweeps of the light-figure the computer picks up 8 lines of analogue data, actually the electromyogram of eight different muscles, and stores them, together with the optical data on digital magnetic tape for further evaluation. After the investigation the obtained data are analysed in the following way : 1) Plotting several parameters of positions (angles, c.g.) together with the electromyogram ver-sus time during one step of walking. 2) Calculating the correlation between the patterns of electrical activity of different muscles. 3) Comparison of the results of 1) and 2) between healthy persons and handicapped persons (C.P.), scoliosis, desease of spine, hip and pelvis, etc...).© (1980) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
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