Soil physics simulation as an option for country scale groundwater recharge estimation

Autor: Polya Dobreva, V. Koutev, Olga Nitcheva, Tanya Trenkova, Borislav Milev, A. Yordanova
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
DOI: 10.1063/1.5091301
Popis: The unsaturated soil zone is a link between the surface and the groundwater environment. Its comprehensive physical representation, adopted by the Community Land Model (CLM), follows the integrated interaction between the soil matrix, plant roots and wetness dynamics. Land Surface Models (in the case CLM) are well developed tools accounting for: water and energy fluxes input from the atmosphere, energy conduction, water infiltration, further downward penetration throught the soil zone during precipitation and the upward evapotranspiration flow during dry conditions. The net gravitational water flow forms the groundwater recharge. The paper presents the application of the CLM model for groundwater recharge calculation for the Bulgarian territory. Additionally, the influence of the assumed in the model length of time discretization of the atmospheric forcings approximation on the accuracy of the results is studied. Available field data are used for comparison analyses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE