Increasing the Emergency Control Systems Efficiency in Kola's and Karelia's Power Systems

Autor: Nikita S. Efimov, Denis E. Petrushin, Maxim G. Popov
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus).
DOI: 10.1109/eiconrus.2019.8657093
Popis: Power systems in the Murmansk region and the Republic of Karelia includes power plants with a total installed electrical capacity of more than 4.7 GW. Electricity is distributed using an 110-330 kV power grid. Emergency control complex in these power systems includes stability control automatics, asynchronous mode elimination automatics, frequency limiting automatics, voltage limiting automatics and limiting equipment overload automatics. More than 60 % of emergency control devices are made of electromechanical elements and, by virtue of their design features and metrological characteristics do not meet all modern regulatory requirements. We the present study analyzes the accident which resulted in separating considered power systems with the Unified Energy System of Russia. It reveals incorrect asynchronous mode elimination devices operation. The study identifies that the malfunction is due to the incorrect settings of trigger body. The study allowed to determine the aim of our PhD thesis, which is to improve emergency control system.
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