Biology of nitrogen-fixing Rhizobacteria

Autor: L. Sangduan, J. Boonjawat, S. Chaopongpang, Suganya Soontaros, Piamsook Pongsawasdi, B. Wongwaitayakul, S. Pornpattkul, J. Limpananont, P. Chaisiri
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Nitrogen Fixation ISBN: 9789401055413
Popis: In non-legumes associative nitrogen-fixing system, several genera of rhizobacteria have been reported. The object of this paper is to summarize the current understanding of how rhizobacteria adhere to the root surface of non-legumes especially rice and other cereal crops. Evidence for involvement of rice lectin in adhesion will be reviewed. An emphasis will be placed on the Klebsiella R15 ammonium assimilation system in free-living state and in associative state with rice seedlings. Nitrogenase and glutamine synthetase (GS) activities of associative Klebsiella increased significantly in the rhizosphere of rice comparing to the free-living state. In rice, the soluble form of GS specific activity appear to be slightly lower than in rice root in the absence of bacteria. These results suggest that nitrogen-fixing activity has been enhanced during association. The dinitrogen fixed should be changed to amino acids via GS-GOGAT pathway in bacteria. Transfer of fixed nitrogen and assimilation in the rice plant is the problem that needs to be solved in order to improve the efficiency of associative nitrogen fixation.
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