The list of chords, their properties and use in analysis

Autor: Larry Solomon
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Interface. 11:61-107
ISSN: 0303-3902
Popis: After examination of the pitfalls of “set analysis”, especially in the approach led by Allen Forte, a revision is proposed, retaining the merits of Forte's work but changing to a procedure of simpler and more general applicability. With the use of a computer, an expanded table of sets is generated along with tables showing the properties and relationships. These tables are a permanent reference for all chords, and/or pitch sets, in the equal tempered system, including a complete list of their names and properties. Examples of applications follow in the form of analyses of works in diverse twentieth century styles with an interpretation of their results and demonstration of the lack of stylistic boundaries in employing the tools outlined. A comparative analysis is included, of Schoenberg's Op. 16, No. 3, showing the differences with Forte's analysis of the same work.
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