Creative collisions: Meet and create: And other 'RE interactive' suggestions

Autor: Martin Mahaux, David Callele
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: RE
Popis: The International IEEE Requirements Engineering conference (RE) is the premier international forum for requirements engineering. However, participant interaction mechanisms have not received significant recent attention and conference attendees have suggested that interaction support could be improved. The “RE Interactive” program is a first implementation step to increase the level and quality of interaction at RE. We present here a brief background to the initiative, describe in greater detail those initiatives being introduced this year and summarize possible initiatives for future years. We describe in greater detail the focal “RE Interactive” session: Creative Collisions. This session aims to explore the power of combinatorial creativity to create unexpected ideas for the RE community by promoting creative engagements between individuals, focusing on forging new relationships within the community.
Databáze: OpenAIRE