Simulation of Power Supply Systems Operating Modes with Distributed Generation Plants Based on Asynchronized Generators

Autor: Andrey Kryukov, Edward K. Shumansky, Yuri N. Bulatov
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 2020 International Ural Conference on Electrical Power Engineering (UralCon).
Popis: The application of asynchronized generators (ASG) in distributed generation (DG) plants instead of synchronous generators, is attractive, since they possess the following properties: a wider stability range and larger limits of reactive power adjustment; allow to keep the unit operation in synchronous mode, when excitation winding is damaged, due to the use of several windings; synchronization with network and other machines is simplified due to ability to control frequency and phase of the generated EMF irrespective of the generator rotor rotational frequency. The article provides the description of high- and low-voltage ASG developed computer-based models with automatic system of excitation control based on IGBT transistors ensuring the possibility of voltage amplitude and frequency adjustment. The studies were conducted in the MATLAB system using the Simulink and SimPowerSystems simulation packages. Modeling results indicate that the use of frequency deviation signal in the excitation system on rotor winding to control it, allows to reduce the frequency and voltage deviations occurring in independently operating ASG, in load connection and shedding modes, as well as during ASG energizing by self-synchronizing method. The comparison of synchronous generator with ASG when additional powerful load is connected in the system, indicates a wider stability range in the asynchronized turbogenerator.
Databáze: OpenAIRE