Encapsulated target for isotope production cyclotrons

Autor: S. Bakhtiari, Wendy Ho, William Z. Gelbart, Nigel R. Stevenson
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 1997 Particle Accelerator Conference (Cat. No.97CH36167).
Popis: The current solid isotope production targets at TRIUMF can only be used to irradiate metallic materials with high melting points. In order to irradiate liquids, powders, and materials with low melting points, a new encapsulated target is being developed specifically for use on isotope production cyclotrons. This concentrically water-cooled target must withstand a 240 /spl mu/A@30 MeV proton beam. The target is a round container with a pocket to hold the target material; the target material is encapsulated using a thin foil, which is electron-beam welded onto the target. The cooling and the heat-induced stresses of the target are being analysed using finite element methods. The results will then be compared with actual measurements obtained using surface embedded thermocouples. The paper discusses the results and the current status of the project.
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