Charge distribution in photofission of U 238 and Th 232

Autor: K.H. Lokan, M.P. Edwards, J.G. Cuninghame, G.P. Kitt
Rok vydání: 1963
Zdroj: Nuclear Physics. 44:588-596
ISSN: 0029-5582
Popis: The independent fission yields of four fission products of U238 and three of Th232 photofission by thick-target bremsstrahlung of 23 MeV maximum energy, have been measured. The results are in general agreement with the proposal of equal charge displacement, and in strong disagreement with unchanged charge distribution. Both points for Nb96, however, are low by more than two orders of magnitude, an effect previously noticed by other workers for this nucleide. A number of cumulative yields, mainly on the wings of the mass-yield curve, have also been measured.
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