Oil and Gas Potential Source of the Lake Baikal Sediments: Gas-Geochemical and Biomarker Study

Autor: N. Fadeeva, E. A. Bakay, Grigorii Akhmanov, Nikita Morozov, Adriano Mazzini, O. Khlystov, O. Vidishcheva, M. Delengov, E. N. Poludetkina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: 30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021).
Popis: Summary This paper presents the results of surface geochemical exploration of Lake Baikal bottom sediments. Such studies provide information on the quality, thermal maturity, age, and distribution of the underlying source rock in under-explored and poorly understood basin. The studies presented in the work were obtained during the Class@Baikal expeditions (2014–2020). Gas-geochemical and biomarker study permit determine that the initial organic matter of both gas and oil source rocks has a mixed origin with a predominance of the terrestrial component. Most of the samples of organic matter from the bottom sediments showed a severe biodegradation process. The samples from the oil seep present a unimodal distribution with n-C23 to n-C25 as the major peaks. The CPI values ∼ 0.97, and the Pr/Ph ratio is close to 1 indicating an input of algal/microbial organic matter with a significant input of terrestrial matter. Biomarkers evidence the high maturity of initial organic matter (end of the oil generation zone - the beginning of the gas generation zone). Thus, the ratio Ts / (Ts + Tm) up to 0.78 (Parameter MPI-1 up to 1.59). The δ13C isotopic composition ranges between −26 and −28‰ indicates a terrestrial organic matter origin.
Databáze: OpenAIRE