An approximate model of the dynamics and heat transfer of an impact cylindrical ideal liquid jet

Autor: G. V. Tkachenko, B. A. Uryukov, V. D. Belik
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. 85:317-323
ISSN: 1573-871X
Popis: A jet model based on approximations of velocities, satisfying the continuity equation, and on the integral momentum equation is presented. The solution for the jet dynamics turned out to be nonmonotonic: as an obstacle recedes over a distance larger than a certain critical one, the jet escapes from the receiver nozzle rectilinearly and remains unchanged until the distance to the obstacle becomes equal to the critical one, whereupon the jet begins to spread. The heat transfer law has been determined on the basis of the momentum and boundary layer energy equations written in an integral form. They were solved by the Squire method. It is shown that with decrease in the distance to the obstacle, if it is smaller than the critical one, the Nusselt number at the stagnation point increases.
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