Composition chimique de quelques Mammifères fossiles d’un milieu continental phosphaté (Aubrelong I, Lot, France, Oligocène inférieur)

Autor: Yannicke Dauphin, Brigitte Lange-Badré
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 71:257-266
ISSN: 1867-6812
Popis: Fossil mammal long bones from Lower Oligocene from Aubrelong 1 (Quercy) were analysed for a range of elements using electron microprobe technique and infrared spectrometry. Fossil mammal teeth were analysed using electron microprobe technique. Comparison of the fossil samples is made with those of recent samples. Infrared spectra show the decrease and the alteration of the organic matrix content in fossil bones. Values for the elements P, Ca are significantly higher, and S lower in the fossil samples relative to the recent samples. The high concentrations of these elements in the fossil samples are clearly a result of diagenetic alteration. In most fossil sites, all the tissues are enriched in Ca, P contents being higher or lower than in the recent tissues. All the fossil tissues of the Aubrelong site are enriched in P. Thus one may tentatively conclude that there is a relationship between the phosphatic composition of sediment and the behavior of P. The chemical composition of all the fossil tissues seems to converge. The organic and the mineral phases are altered by diagenetic processes. La composition d’os longs de Mammiferes de l’Oligocene inferieur d’Aubrelong 1 (Quercy) a ete analysee par spectrometrie infrarouge et microsonde electronique, celle des dents par microsonde electronique. Les spectres infrarouges montrent une alteration et une forte diminution de la matiere organique chez les os fossiles par rapport aux os actuels. Les tissus fossiles (os, email et dentine) sont enrichis en P et Ca, appauvris en S et leur composition elementaire tend a devenir plus homogene que celle des tissus actuels correspondants. Si l’augmentation des teneurs en Ca de tous les tissus se retrouve dans pratiquement tous les sites fossiles, l’enrichissement en P doit etre mis en relation avec la nature phosphatee du sediment d’Aubrelong. Les processus diagenetiques ont modifie les rapports phase organique - phase minerale, et leurs compositions.
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