Simultaneous presentation of tactile and auditory motion to the abdomen to present the feeling of being slashed

Autor: Hiroyuki Kajimoto, J. Watanabe, Sayaka Ooshima, Hideyuki Ando, Yuki Hashimoto
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: 2008 SICE Annual Conference.
DOI: 10.1109/sice.2008.4654700
Popis: For gaming applications, we propose the idea of a multimodal interface worn on the abdomen to present the feeling of being slashed. Tactors and speakers produce tactile and auditory stimuli on the abdomen. We compared the tactile apparent movement with auditory motion, focusing on position and speed. The subjectively equivalent position and velocity of the two modalities matched well. In addition, we devised an improved device that can present ldquodeep perceptionrdquo, presenting a stimulus through the body using full range speakers that work as tactors.
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