Lectotypification of 16 species names in Doronicum (Asteraceae, Senecioneae)

Autor: Inés Álvarez Fernández, Gonzalo Nieto Feliner
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: TAXON. 48:801-806
ISSN: 1996-8175
DOI: 10.2307/1223652
Popis: There is only one world-wide monograph of the genus Doronicum L. (Cavillier, 1907, 1911), although some subsequent taxonomic revisions limited to particular regions are available (Gorskova, 1961; Edmondson, 1973, 1975, 1978; Avetisjan, 1980, 1995; Rechinger, 1989: 44-48). There are also a few papers specifically dealing with typification of names in Doronicum (Perez Morales & al., 1991, 1997; Alvarez Fernandez & Nieto Feliner, 1997; Jarvis & Turland, 1998), yet most of the corresponding binomials still lack an unequivocal type. While preparing a taxonomic revision of the genus, we have during the last four years studied c. 4,500 herbarium specimens of Doronicum kept at B, B-W, BC, BM, BP, BR, BRNM, CL, COI, E, FI, G, G-BOIS, G-DC, GAZI, GE, GH, GRM, GZU, HVR, IRAN, JACA, JE, K, LAU, LD, LE, LINN, LY, MA, MACB, MAF, MO, NAP, NY, P-LA, PAL, RO, S, SANT, UPS, W, WU, and ZA. In order to enhance nomenclatural stability, and based on our comprehensive taxonomic research, we here propose lectotypes for all currently used names applying to taxa that we accept at the specific and subspecific level, except those previously lectotypified (D. carpetanum Boiss. & Reut. ex Willk., D. pardalianches L., D. plantagineum L., and D. austriacum Jacq.) and four names for which our present information or the available original material is insufficient (D. clusii (All.) Tausch, D. corsicum (Loisel.) Poir., D. carpaticum (Griseb. & Schenk) Nyman, and D. orientale Hoffm.). The entries are arranged alphabetically.
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