The MANX muon cooling demonstration experiment

Autor: K. Yonehara, V.I. Balbekov, D. Broemmelsiek, M. Hu, A. Jansson, Vadim Kashikhin, Vladimir Kashikhin, M. Lamm, N. V. Mokhov, V. Shiltsev, V. Yarba, R. J. Abrams, M. A. Cummings, R. P. Johnson, S. A. Kahn, T. J. Roberts
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: 2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC).
DOI: 10.1109/pac.2007.4440637
Popis: MANX is an experiment to prove that effective six- dimensional (6D) muon beam cooling can be achieved in a Helical Cooling Channel (HCC) using ionization- cooling with helical and solenoidal magnets in a novel configuration. The aim is to demonstrate that 6D muon beam cooling is understood well enough to plan intense neutrino factories and high-luminosity muon colliders. The experiment consists of the HCC magnet that envelops a liquid helium energy absorber, upstream and downstream instrumentation to measure the beam parameters before and after cooling, and emittance matching sections between the detectors and the HCC.
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