Supporting Requirements Validation: The EuRailCheck Tool

Autor: Marco Pensallorto, Stefano Tonetta, Sergio Mover, Roberto Cavada, Cristian Mattarei, Alessandro Mariotti, Andrea Micheli, Alessandro Cimatti, Angelo Susi, Marco Roveri
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: ASE
Popis: We present the EuRailCheck tool, which supports the formalization and the validation of requirements, based on the use of formal methods. The tool allows the user to analyze the requirements in natural language and to categorize and structure them. It allows to formalize the requirements into a subset of UML enriched with static and temporal constraints for which we defined a formal semantics. Finally, the tool allows to apply model checking techniques specialized for the validation of formal requirements. The tool has been developed and validated within a project funded by the European Railway Agency for the validation of the European Train Control System specification. By now, the tool has been successfully used by about thirty railway experts of different companies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE