Study on the Convergency Improvement Method for the Saturation-Property Calculation of Multi-Component Hydrocarbon Systems

Autor: Jeonghwan Lee, Seung-Hee An, Won-Mo Sung, Chang-Hoon Shin
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B. 34:947-955
ISSN: 1226-4881
Popis: Key Words: Multi-phase Behavior(다상거동), Saturation Property(포화물성), Dew Point(이슬점), Bubble Point(기포점), Chopping Method(썰기법), Forward Guessing(전진추정)초록: 대부분의석유 가스전은탄화수소혼합물과일반기체등저류층내부유체의성분조성에따라저류층내상거동특성이매우민감하게변화한다. 석유 가스전의평가와개발 생산계획을수립함에있어, 이러한상거동에따른기체와액체의성분비결정과석유와가스의이상유동해석을위한저류유체의PVT관계및포화물성의규명은필수적이다. 이중에서특히, 포화물성의계산은수렴성이나빠, 이상유동의해석적연구에있어서많은어려움을초래하는원인이되고있다. 이에본연구에서는포화물성의계산에있어서수렴도향상을위한새로운초기값추정방법과근탐색알고리듬을제안하고, 성능비교등을통한수렴도영향인자에대한분석을시도하였다. 결과적으로, 제안된방법을통해포화물성해석수렴성을개선하였고GUI 기반의새로운다성분다상거동해석시뮬레이터의개발에적용하였다.Abstract: Most oil and gas reservoirs, which have some light hydrocarbon components, show sensitive phasebehavior in response to changes in the composition of the internal fluid. When evaluating and developingplans for oil and gas fields, flash calculation, PVT analysis, and saturation-property calculation are necessaryfor analyzing reservoir characteristics and pipeline flows. In general, the determination of saturation propertiessuch as dew point and bubble point is considered a difficult task because of the poor convergence of thecalculation methods. In this study, several new initial-value-guessing methods and root-finding methods areproposed; parametric analysis were carried out to verify the improvement in convergence. Finally, these newideas and methods were successfully applied to the new GUI based multi-phase behavior simulator.
Databáze: OpenAIRE