Analysis of the radiation patterns of reflector antennas

Autor: W. Croswell, J. Kauffman, L. Jowers
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 24:53-65
ISSN: 0096-1973
DOI: 10.1109/tap.1976.1141285
Popis: The development and application of a numerical technique for the rapid calculation of the far-field radiation patterns of a reflector antenna from either a measured or computed feed pattern are reported. The reflector is defined by the intersection of a cone with any surface of revolution or an offset sector of any surface of revolution. The feed is assumed to be linearly polarized and can have an arbitrary location. Both the copolarized and the cross polarized reflector radiation patterns are computed. Calculations using the technique compare closely with measured radiation patterns of a waveguide-fed offset parabolic reflector. The unique features of this technique are the freedom from restrictive feed assumptions and the numerical methods used in preparing the aperture plane electric field data for integration.
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