Polarization Holographic Gratings on Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystals

Autor: Galina Zharkova, Aleksandr Petrov, Sergey Streltsov, Valentina Khachaturyan
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Siberian Journal of Physics. 7:5-14
ISSN: 1818-7994
Popis: The formation of switchable polarization gratings and their properties are presented. The grating structures are created in polymer-liquid crystal composite by recording the interference pattern generated by two coherent laser beams with orthogonal polarization. The influence of the regime of formation, composition of composite and the azimuthal angle of the polarization of probe beam on the diffraction effectiveness of such grating are investigated. Electro-optical effects are studied, the possibility of the thermal-optical switching of grating are demonstrated
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