The Clinical Significance of Arachidonic Acid Metabolites

Autor: O. Oelz
Rok vydání: 1982
Zdroj: Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde / Advances in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics ISBN: 9783642685484
Popis: Knowledge of the oxidative transformation of arachidonic acid into several distinct derivatives has increased considerably in recent years. The products consist of prostaglandins, prostacyclin (PGI2), thromboxanes, and leukotrienes (Samuelsson 1981). Arachidonic acid metabolites are biosynthesized in almost all mammalian tissues and exert a wide range of biological and pharmacological activities. They are therefore considered as powerful mediators in physiological processes. This has created a plethora of theories about their possible pathophysiological roles, and hopes were raised for the discovery of additional clues to the understanding and treatment of human diseases. Many of these expectations have turned into frustrations. Moreover, in spite of intensive research the significance of arachidonic acid metabolites in many processes has not yet been conclusively elucidated. In some areas, however, their involvement in biological events as modulators of ongoing biochemical activity has been defined. In this review, I will focus on some areas of clinical interest and discuss the possible significance of arachidonic acid metabolites in disease processes.
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