Autor: Vasyl Dobizha, Dina Shkvaruk, Lesia Donchak
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Economic scope.
Popis: The theoretical aspects and the mechanism of formation of the personnel management system of a trading enterprise in modern conditions are investigated in the article. The peculiarities of the organization of labor at the enterprises of trading activity are considered. It is established that the specific activity of trading companies requires its employees to constantly interact with consumers. Therefore, staff, having such traits as communication, competence, personal qualities and training, should be prepared to meet the needs of customers in a variety of situations, including extreme situations. The mechanism of formation of the personnel management system at a trading company is substantiated, which should be implemented in stages, taking into account the current dynamic conditions of economic development in the country. It is determined that the main consecutive stages of implementation of such a mechanism are: selection and substantiation of the concept of work of the personnel management system in a trading enterprise; selection and training of employees; control and development of sales staff; evaluation of employee performance and incentives. The basic functions (organizational; socio-economic; reproductive), principles (complexity and systematic; compliance with the goals of the enterprise; hierarchy; use of scientific approaches in personnel management; cost-effectiveness; complexity; progressiveness) and methods of the mechanism of formation of personnel management system (administrative methods; economic methods; socio-psychological methods). It is proved that effective legal, information, communication and financial support is necessary for the effective functioning of the employees of a trading enterprise. Therefore, in order to build an effective personnel management system in a trading company, it is necessary to have a clear idea of the mechanism of its formation. Therefore, every enterprise, not just a trade, should use its own experience with its staff, adjust and improve each of the subsystems, study and apply the experience of foreign enterprises.
Databáze: OpenAIRE