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SYNOPSIS. The marine ciliate Euplotes cristatus Kahl (Ciliophora, Hypotrichida), collected off Capri, Gulf of Naples, is described in detail. From populations, 6 different mating types, representing 1 variety or syngen, have been isolated. The breeding relations revealed a multiple mating type system characteristic of other members of the Hypotrichida that have been investigated. Presumably a 7th mating type was found which does not mate with any of the others. Although this may belong to another syngen, it could represent a mating type which has not yet reached sexual maturity or 1 which may be in a period of decline. Animals of different mating type do not mate immediately after being mixed but usually 3 or more hours later. An agglutination reaction involving many specimens is absent. Instead, 2 ciliates engage in a “pairing play” before joining firmly in conjugation. Well-fed or actively feeding and dividing ciliates do not mate; mating occurs only after the food becomes gradually depleted or when the food supply is sharply cut off. All mating types appear to be extremely stable. Neither selfing pairs (intraclonal conjugation) nor autogamy have been observed within any clonal culture during the several years under investigation. Cell-free filtrates from 1 mating type do not elicit mating or induce conjugation with specimens of a different mating type. The general pattern of nuclear events in conjugation and exconjugant reorganization is as follows: 1 preliminary division, 3 pregamic (prezygotic) divisions, fertilization, and generally 1 or occasionally 2 postzygotic divisions. The fate of micronuclear products may be determined by their size and location. Those which are larger and close to the cell membranes of the joined conjugants persist and/or divide. Those which are smaller are carried by cyclosis toward the center of each ciliate and degenerate. The degenerating macronucleus of each conjugant becomes segmented in a more or less uniform manner resulting in 4 subspherical masses. Two become localized in the anterior end of a conjugant and 2 in the posterior end. Those in the posterior end are always the first to degenerate completely and disappear. In nuclear reorganization of the exconjugant, fusion of the macronuclear anlage with parts of the old macronucleus does not occur. |