Autor: Fuat Daş
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Nüsha Şarkiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 19:61-80
ISSN: 1303-0752
DOI: 10.32330/nusha.507143
Popis: Ozet Biyografik eserler Endulus’te 10. yuzyilda yazilmaya baslamis ve bu tur, Enduluslu âlimlerin ilgisini oldukca cezbetmistir. Ibnu′l-Faradi′nin Tariḫuʿulema`i′l-Endelus adli eseri de bu ilginin sonucunda ortaya cikmis ve biyografi alaninda yazilan, kendinden sonra gelen bircok âlime yontem bakimindan ornek olusturan, onlarin eserlerine kaynaklik eden kitaptir. Ibnu′l-Faradi′nin Endulus’te temellerini attigi bu telif turundeki eserler hem icerik hem yontem bakimindan birbirleriyle bir zincirin halkalari gibi baglantili sekilde yazilmistir. Bu calismamizda Endulus’te 10. ve 12. yuzyillarda yazilmis biyografi eserleri, yontem bakimindan incelenmis ve biyografi yazarlarinin birbirleriyle etkilesimi, eserlerinde toplumun hangi katmanlarina yer verdikleri, kisilerin biyografilerinde onlar hakkinda hangi bilgileri ele aldiklari, kendinden once yazilmis biyografik eserlerin hangi yontemlerine tabi olduklari, kendi eserlerinde farkli olarak ne tur yontemler kullandiklari, kendinden sonraki yazarlari nasil etkiledikleri vb. acilardan ele alinmistir. Ayrica incelememizde biyografi yazarlarinin eserlerini telif etmelerindeki amac, kullandiklari kaynaklar ve yazarlar hakkinda kisa bilgiler verilmistir. Calismamizda Ibnu′l-Faradi′nin zikrettigimiz eserinin yani sira bu eserin zeyilleri olan El-Ḥumeydi′nin (o.1095) Ce z vetu’l-Muḳtebis′ i , Ibn Beskuval′in (o.1183) Eṣ-Ṣila′ si , Eḍ-Ḍabbi′nin (o.1203) Bugyetu′l-Multemis ′i incelenmis, ayrica edebi degerleri yuksek olan Ibn Bessam es-Senterini′nin (o.1147) Ez-Zaḫire fi Meḥasini Ehli′l-Cezire′ siyle Feth b. Ḫaḳan el-Ḳaysi′nin (o.1135) Maṭmaḥu′l-Enfus adli eserlerine de yer verilmistir. Abstract Biographical works began to be written in Andalusia in the 10 th century, and this genre has attracted the attention of Andalusian scholars. Ibn al-Faradi's work called Tariḫuʿulema`i′l-Endelus has emerged as a result of this interest and is a book written in the field of biography, which exemplifies many of the successive methods in the direction of their method and is the source of their works. These copyrighted works, which Ibn al-Faradi laid the foundations in Andalusia, were written in connection with each other in terms of content and method, such as the rings of a chain. In this study, biographies written in Andalusia in the 10 th and 12 th centuries are examined in terms of methodology and the interaction of biographers with each other, which layers of society they include in their works, what information they have dealt with in their biographies, and which methods of biographical works written before them, In their own works, what kind of methods they use, how they affect the next authors are discussed. In addition, in our review, brief information about the purpose of copyright writers, sources and authors are given. In this study, in addition to Ibn al-Faradi's work, the annexes of this work and the work of al-Humeydi’s (death. 1095) called as Cezvetu′l-Muktebis, the work of Ibn Beskuval’s (death. 1183) called as Eṣ-Ṣila and the work of Ed-Dabbi’s (death. 1203) called as Bugyetu′l-Multemis were examined. In addition, the work of Ibn Bessam es-Senterini’s (death. 1147) as called Ez-Zaḫire fi Meḥasini Ehli′l-Cezire, and the work of Feth b. Ḫaḳan el-Ḳaysi’s (death.1135) as called Maṭmaḥu′l-Enfus the works with high literary values are mentioned.
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