The polyphosphates of manganese, cobalt, nickel and copper: Their complex character, composition and behaviour

Autor: S. Kertes, M. Bobtelsky
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Chemistry. 5:675-686
ISSN: 1934-998X
Popis: Both the simple and the more complicated soluble salts of anion complexes of pyrophosphate and tripolyphosphate with Mn, Ni, Co and Cu were studied by heterometry (photometric study of suspensions), potentiometry and conductimetry on a comparative basis. The composition of the different insoluble salts and compounds obtained were derived from the shape of the individual heterometric curves. In the case of pyrophosphates, insoluble salts of the composition MIIP2O7 (M represents the metal) were obtained with all cations. In particular cases, insoluble salts of the composition Na2MII3(P2O7)2 were also found. With all cations, the anion complex [MIIP2O7]2- giving soluble salts was formed. Copper and nickel gave, in addition, soluble salts of the complexes [Cu(P2O7)2]−6, [Cu2(P2O7)3]6- and [Ni3(P2O7)2]2-. With tripolyphosphate the following was established: in all cases a soluble salt of the anion complex [MIIP3O10]3- was found. In addition, soluble salts of the complex [MII3(P3O10)2]4-were obtained with nickel and cobalt, and of [MII5(P3O10)3]5- with copper. In all cases two insoluble compounds of the composition MII5(P3O10)2 and NaMII2(P3O10) were obtained by heterometry. Structural formulae are presented for most of the compounds obtained and the interrelation between them discussed.
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