Study of ion-irradiated tungsten in deuterium plasma

Autor: S. T. Latushkin, V. V. Zatekin, E.V. Semenov, V. S. Kulikauskas, B.I. Khripunov, V.B. Petrov, V. N. Unezhev, V.G. Stolyarova, L. S. Danelyan, V.M. Gureev, A.I. Ryazanov, V. S. Koidan, S.N. Kornienko
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Journal of Nuclear Materials. 438:S1014-S1018
ISSN: 0022-3115
Popis: Experimental study aimed at investigation of neutron induced damage influence on fusion reactor plasma facing materials is reported. Displacement damage was produced in tungsten by high-energy helium and carbon ions at 3–10 MeV. The reached level of displacement damage ranged from several dpa to 600 dpa. The properties of the irradiated tungsten were studied in steady-state deuterium plasma on the LENTA linear divertor simulator. Plasma exposures were made at 250 eV of ion energy to fluence 1021–1022 ion/сm2. Erosion dynamics of the damaged layer and deuterium retention were observed. Surface microstructure modifications and important damage of the 5 μm layer shown. Deuterium retention in helium-damaged tungsten (ERD) showed its complex behavior (increase or decrease) depending on implanted helium quantity and the structure of the surface layer.
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