On the Perfect Delay Convention or the Revolt of the Slaved Variables

Autor: Marc Diener, Tim Poston
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Chaos and Order in Nature ISBN: 9783642683060
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-68304-6_25
Popis: Suppose we have a family of “potential” functions φλ:IRn→ IR, evolving with λ (=time/varying load on a system/temperature/magnetic field/…) and that for any fixed φ the state x = (x,…, xn)ɛIRntends to “occupy” a minimum of φ (More exactly, for most such systems, the difference of x and some x0at which φ has a minimum dies away exponentially.) The set of minima of φλvaries with λ in ways discussed in elastic stability theory [TH], thermodynamies [C],economics [B], laser dynamics [Ha],etc. - choosing a merely representative reference in each case - and most generally in catastrophe theory [Th,Z,PS]. How does x vary in consequence?
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