Acento léxico y lectura: un estudio con niños

Autor: Nicolás Gutiérrez Palma, Alfonso Palma Reyes
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology. 2
ISSN: 1696-2095
Popis: Introduction . Stress in Spanish is associated with an orthographic mark that indicates stress, but there are also other clues that point to it. Most words have the same stress (on the penul-timate syllable), andclosed syllables (syllables ending in a consonant) attract the stress. In this paper we study these clues, and consequently the function of stress as one of the phono-logical codes that intervenes in the reading process. Method . The study was performed with children who had little reading xperience, muche more prone to use the phonological route. A naming task was used, and stress was manipu-lated, as well as the regularity-irregularity of the syllabic structure with regard to stress. Results . There were no differences between words according to their stress, whether it fell on the last or penultimate syllable. However, there were differencesdependent on whether words were regular or irregular. The former were read with fewer errors. Discussion . This result was interpretedas evidence of the functional relationship of stress with the syllabic structure, as well as of its role in the lexical accessprocess which is per- formed during reading. Finally, we discuss the suitability of including prosodic variables as part of programs for training in phonological awareness.
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