Secure authentication with dynamic password

Autor: Zubayr Khalid, Pritam Paul, Anik Naha Biswas, Soummyo Priyo Chattopadhyay
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 2016 IEEE 7th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON).
Popis: Providing Authentication to any system leads to provide more security to that system. There are many authentication techniques are available, such as textual password, biometric etc. Almost all securities are covered with textual password, still it has some drawbacks. It is not hard for hackers to hack computer system secured with textual password. When user types password, the hacker can trace the elements in the password. The only way of preventing the tracing of elements in the password is to afford a lot of possible element in a password, making the job of tracing the entire password hard. Here the concept of 3-d password is included. 3-d password can fulfil the expectation of a user by securing an account with a password that may include a large number of possible combinations of elements. Still it can be hacked using Shoulder-surfing attack. Moreover, time and space complexity is large for this concept. In this paper we have introduced a new concept of securing an account. To prevent any type of hacking activity, we have included the concept of dynamic (changeable) password with system requirements including both software and hardware. In the paper, we have discussed about the complete illustration of the new concept along with its simplicity, thus providing a less time and space complexity than 3-d password. We have discussed about the contribution towards this concept to become more secure and more user friendly to users of all categories.
Databáze: OpenAIRE