The medical sociological evaluation of quality of life of oncologic patients receiving therapy with national cytokines

Autor: A. V Reshetnikov, N. V Prisiajnaia, K. E Sobolev
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Sociology of Medicine. 15:52-57
ISSN: 2413-2942
Popis: The article presents the results of medical sociological study of quality of life of oncologic patients. Among them, 96% suffered from cancer stage III-IV of various localization and were applied therapy with nationally manufactured cytokines. From the basis of study data it is marked that overwhelming majority (80.3%) of patients involved into study noted amelioration of their quality of life after inception of treatment with pharmaceuticals "Refnot" (tumor necrosis factor a-timosine-a1) and "Ingaron" (interferon gamma). At that, duration of intake of pharmaceuticals occurred directly related to positivisation not only of physical condition but also as sequence of this process quality of life of patients. The increasing of quality of life related to intake of pharmaceuticals "Refnot" and "Ingaron" is clearly demonstrated by answers of patients to question about changes occurred in their life from the moment of inception of treatment. So, 48.6% of participants of survey declared about amelioration of symptomatic, 27% - about amelioration of general condition, 20.5% - about increasing of capacity for work. the increasing of physical activity was marked by 18.9% of respondents and 13,5% indicated to increasing of their social activity. The scheme of intake of pharmaceuticals, convenience of therapy, and confidence of patient in effectiveness of action of these pharmaceuticals undoubtedly enhance preservation of social activity of respondents and permit them to focus besides process of treatment, on other spheres of life activity that positively reflects on total level and quality of their life. The carried out medical sociological study demonstrated that intake of nationally manufactured recombinant gene engineering cytokines in oncologic practice permit, at high indices of effectiveness in target group, to preserve physical, social and professional activity of patients.
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