GISAXS study of Au-coated light-induced polymer gratings

Autor: M. Mayorova, M. Castro-Colin, Svetlana Santer, M. Kentzinger, Nataraja Sekhar Yadavalli, Denis Korolkov
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings.
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: Surface Relief Gratings (SRGs) are inscribed in the Au-coated azobenzene containing photosensitive polymer films on a glass substrate. The structures consist of micrometer-period sinusoidal patterns of sub-micron amplitudes, formed by photo-isomerization and molecular reorientation processes in the polymer film during exposure to the light interference pattern that drove the formation of a SRG; the precursor is a stack sequence of Au, polymer, and glass. The SRG structures were exposed in GISAXS geometry to high-intensity X-ray radiation from a liquid Ga source (0.134 nm). Scattered photons were registered by a 2D detector, and their intensity distribution enabled us to characterize the structures. Analysis of the 2D patterns yielded information about the pitch of the gratings as well as the thickness of the films forming the gratings. The GISAXS experiments were carried out at the Research Center Juelich.
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