Genetic and Morphological Comparisons of Lesser Celandine (Ficaria Verna) Invasions Suggest Regionally Widespread Clonal and Sexual Reproduction

Autor: Kali Zoe Mattingly, Charles T. C. Day, Emily S. J. Rauschert, Aaron Tayal, Stephen M. Hovick
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.21203/
Popis: Both asexual and sexual reproduction can provide important keys to the success of invasive species. A species with the potential for both strategies is lesser celandine (Ficaria verna), a European native with multiple subspecies that have been introduced in North America as ornamentals and escaped cultivation. Although the genetic and morphological diversity of celandine has been studied in Europe, few studies have examined North American populations. We aimed to document genotypic and phenotypic diversity at a regional scale. We compared sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) genotypes of 64 individuals collected from Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, OH. We phenotyped 129 individuals from across the same regions and from Louisville, KY, measuring trait values in an outdoor common garden experiment. The SRAP markers were highly polymorphic and revealed surprising genetic diversity. Genetic and trait variation was structured across regions, but we also saw high variation within regions. Cleveland populations differed the most genetically and morphologically, with notably smaller flowers. Of individuals that flowered, many produced expanded achenes, and all regions had individuals that made asexual bulbils. Trait data suggested subspecies verna or ficariiformis may be present in these regions. Their genetically admixed nature, along with achene production and a potential relationship between genetic diversity and the ability to produce achenes all support sexual reproduction. Sexual and asexual propagules may spread by different vectors, and our resistance analyses indicated water dispersal and habitat availability may contribute to genetic structure. These findings suggest celandine may have substantial potential for further spread and for evolutionary change.
Databáze: OpenAIRE