Detection of P waves in resting ECG: a preliminary study

Autor: P.E. Elko, B.R.S. Reddy, G.I. Rowlandson, D.W. Christenson
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Proceedings Computers in Cardiology.
DOI: 10.1109/cic.1992.269440
Popis: Detection of atrial activity (P, atrial flutter, and fibrillation waves) in resting electrocardiograms (ECGs) is an important step in rhythm analysis. The authors describe the results of preliminary work on P wave detection on a training set of 33 ECGs and a test set of 37 ECGs. Data of leads II and V1 were used. Median QRS-STT segments were subtracted from the rhythm data and the residual in the QRS regions was zeroed. Resulting signals were low pass filtered, first and second differenced, and combined into a detection function, which was used to detect and delineate P waves. For all the detected P waves, indexes were computed based on P duration, P-R interval and P-P interval. The initial results are very encouraging. >
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