Registration of ‘Alba’ Barley

Autor: Ryan C. Graebner, Scott Fisk, Patrick M. Hayes, Alfonso Cuesta-Marcos, Stephen S. Jones, Brook O. Brouwer
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Journal of Plant Registrations. 9:1-5
ISSN: 1936-5209
Popis: 10 'Alba' (Reg. No. ______) is a winter, six-row barley released by the Oregon Agricultural 11 Experiment Station in 2012. The name “Alba” was chosen due to the bright and attractive 12 appearance of the crop at maturity. In high rainfall environments, it has a notable yield advantage 13 over check varieties and maintains excellent test weight and kernel plumpness. These advantages 14 are, in part, attributable to resistance to barley stripe rust (incited by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. 15 hordei) and scald (incited by Rhynchosporium commune). The principal end-use of Alba grain is 16 as feed, but it could also be used for food (after pearling) and preliminary tests show that it can 17 be successfully malted and used in craft brewing. 18
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