Magnetized Cell-robot Propelled by Regular Tetrahedron Magnetic Actuation System

Autor: Yuanyuan Chen, Yanmin Feng, Yuguo Dai, Xue Bai, Lin Feng, Dixiao Chen
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: MHS
Popis: The multiple degrees of freedom motion of micro-nano robots in three-dimensional space(3D) using magnetic field, has promising applications in biomedical field, ranging from drug delivery to cancer treatment with zero harm to human body. This paper presented a newly established magnetic system consist of four electromagnetic coils inspired by the regular tetrahedron structure and the cell-robot is proposed for the first time in the world. With the minimum number of coils, interference between electromagnets can be effectively avoided while the magnetic field flux intensity in multiple directions can reach 2.8T/m. Most importantly, the cell-robot which is based on the macrophage is proposed for the first time in the world, and can be transported precisely to the vicinity of cancer cells, then the cell-robot will actively phagocytose the cancer cells and eventually kill them, achieving the cancer treatment at the cellular level, which would be instructive for achieving cell-level treatment in the future.
Databáze: OpenAIRE