Stratigraphy and palaeoenvironments of the Red Crag and Norwich Crag formations between Aldeburgh and Sizewell, Suffolk, England

Autor: R. A. Nicholson, Philip L. Gibbard, P. Cambridge, M. J. Hughes, S. M. Peglar, G. P. Wealthall, Geoffrey Boulton, R. Harland, Jan Zalasiewicz, Steve Mathers
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences. 322:221-272
ISSN: 2054-0280
DOI: 10.1098/rstb.1988.0125
Popis: This study uses a variety of criteria to examine short-range correlation within the Crag deposits in order to assess the validity of longer-range correlations within the British Pleistocene stage system. To this end, six rotary cored boreholes spaced at 0.5-1.0 km intervals were drilled along a north-south-aligned traverse between Aldeburgh and Sizewell, Suffolk. These show that the thick Red/Norwich Crag sequence is confined to a deep, sharply bounded basin, which is of probable erosional rather than tectonic origin. The undisturbed borehole core material enabled an assessment of the limits of stratigraphic resolution within these dominantly high-energy, shallow marine sediments to be made. Subdivision of the sequence was done on the basis of lithostratigraphical and biostratigraphical (foraminifera, pollen and spores, dinoflagellate cysts, and molluscs) criteria; chronostratigraphical methods (palaeomagnetism and amino acid chronology) were also applied. The various subdivisions indicated by each of these disciplines were in large part consistent, demonstrating that valid stratigraphic units had been identified. Only amino acid chronology did not indicate any obvious subdivision of the sequence. Three lithostratigraphical units were recognized within the thick Crag sequence. The lowest unit (AS-Lith 1) consists of coarse shelly sands interbedded with thinly laminated muds and fine sands. The middle unit (AS-Lith 2) consists of fine- to coarse-grained shelly sands arranged in two coarsening-upwards cycles. Units AS-Lith 1 and AS-Lith 2 are correlated on a lithostratigraphical basis with the Red Crag Formation of the adjacent Aldeburgh-Orford area to the south and are named the Sizewell Member and the Thorpeness Member respectively. The uppermost unit (AS-Lith 3) comprises fine- to medium-grained, well-sorted sands; it correlates with the Chillesford Sand Member of the Norwich Crag Formation of the adjacent Aldeburgh-Orford area. The Sizewell Member of the Red Crag Formation is normally magnetized and palaeontologically distinctive. The pollen, foraminifera and dinoflagellate assemblages firmly establish it as Pre-Ludhamian in age, and probably equivalent to an interval within the Reuverian C to Praetiglian Stages of the Netherlands. The Thorpeness Member of the Red Crag Formation is less easy to place within the British Pleistocene stage system. It is reverse magnetized, at least in part, and foraminifera assemblages suggest possible correlation with the Ludhamian Stage. No identifiable pollen or dinoflagellate assemblages were obtained. The Chillesford Sand Member of the Norwich Crag Formation is largely unfossiliferous but the borehole material has yielded a single pollen spectrum that suggests correlation with the Bramertonian Stage.
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