Characterization of Ba (NO3)2 and KNO3 and their composite systems through SEM and DSC

Autor: S. Shashi Devi, S. Narender Reddy, A. Sadananda Chary, G. Rajashekhar
Rok vydání: 2020
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: The SEM photographs on HITACHI S-4700 FE-SEM for Composite Solid Electrolytes 0.25Ba(NO3)2-0.75KNO3, 0.19Ba(NO3)2-0.81KNO3, 0.05Ba(NO3)2-0.95KNO3 and DSC (DSC-60-SHIMADZU)plots of Ba(NO3)2, KNO3 and their composites systems of 0.62Ba(NO3)2-0.38KNO3, 0.37Ba(NO3)2-0.63KNO3, 0.25Ba(NO3)2-0.75KNO3, 0.19Ba(NO3)2-0.81KNO3, 0.05Ba(NO3)2-0.95KNO3 mole percentages have been studied to understand the reason behind the enhancement of conductivity in these materials. Uniform distribution of particle size can be noticed in 0.25Ba (NO3)2-0.75KNO3, 0.19Ba (NO3)2-0.81 KNO3 comparing to other mole percentages. In 0.19Ba (NO3)2-0.81KNO3 particle size is found to be uniform and larger compared to other mole percentages, which would effectively reduce the grain boundary resistance and thus increases the conductivity [1]. The enhancement of conductivity in this system was explained as due to the increased concentration of defects in space charge region formed between the host and nano particles of dispersoid.
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