In situstudy of self-ion irradiation damage in W and W–5Re at 500 °C

Autor: Steve G. Roberts, M. Briceno, Zhongfu Zhou, Michael L. Jenkins, Marquis A. Kirk, Xiaoou Yi
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Philosophical Magazine. 93:1715-1738
ISSN: 1478-6443
DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2012.754110
Popis: In situ self-ion irradiations (150 keV W+) have been carried out on W and W–5Re at 500 °C, with doses ranging from 1016 to 1018 W+m−2 (∼1.0 dpa). Early damage formation (1016W+m−2) was observed in both materials. Black–white contrast experiments and image simulations using the TEMACI software suggested that vacancy loops were formed within individual cascades, and thus, the loop nucleation mechanism is likely to be ‘cascade collapse’. Dynamic observations showed the nucleation and growth of interstitial loops at higher doses, and that elastic loop interactions may involve changes in loop Burgers vector. Elastic interactions may also promote loop reactions such as absorption or coalescence or loop string formation. Loops in both W and W–5Re remained stable after annealing at 500 °C. One-dimensional hopping of loops (b = 1/2 ⟨111>) was only seen in W. At the final dose (1018W+m−2), a slightly denser damage microstructure was seen in W–5Re. Both materials had about 3–4 × 1015 loops m−2. Detailed post-irradia...
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