Basal Cell Carcinoma of the External Auditory Canal – Unusual Site: A Case Report

Autor: Eman Nagy Mohamed, Ahmed Elshahat
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Surgery Case Reports. :1-3
Popis: Malignant tumor originated from external auditory canal (EAC) is very rare with an annual incidence of around 1 per million. Yet, basal cell carcinomas are less frequent than squamous cell carcinomas. Nevertheless, it is difficult to determine if their prognosis is better, as in other areas of the body. Due to the rarity of malignant tumor of EAC, there is no widely accepted treatment modality yet. But basal cell carcinoma, is known to be less aggressive tumor than squamous cell carcinoma and can be removed with a minimal safety margin and has a better treatment result. In this case report, we experienced a case of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in the EAC, confined in the cartilaginous portion of EAC, presented with intermittent otorrhea and pruritis in the right ear. The patient was treated with local excision of the lesion with a safety margin and direct closure. No recurrence or complications were noted in the first postoperative year.
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