Apparent Latitudinal Modulation of the Solar Neutrino Flux

Autor: Peter A. Sturrock, Michael S. Wheatland, Guenther Walther
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: The Astrophysical Journal. 507:978-983
ISSN: 1538-4357
Popis: We examine the solar neutrino Nux, as measured by the Homestake neutrino detector, to search for evidence of a dependence upon the solar latitude of the Earth-Sun line that varies from south in 7i.25 mid-March to north in mid-September. Although the Nux does not obviously show any dependence 7i.25 on latitude, we do -nd evidence for a dependence of the variance of the Nux upon latitude. When data from 108 runs of the Homestake experiment are divided into four quartiles, sorted according to latitude, we -nd that the northernmost quartile exhibits a larger variance than the other three. By applying the shuffle test, we estimate the probability that this could have occurred by chance to be in the range 1%E2%. For more detailed information, we examine a "" reconstructed Nux II formed from our recent maximum likelihood spectrum analysis. This procedure indicates that the variance is largest at about north. We 6i.5 also -nd that the spectrum of the variance of the reconstructed Nux has a notable peak at 1 cycle y~1 tending to con-rm a latitude dependence of the variance. We also examine the 12.88 cycle yr periodicity described in our recent paper and -nd that the amplitude of the periodicity is greater for the north- ernmost quartile than for the other quartiles. We suggest that these e†ects may be attributed to resonant spin-Navor precession of left-handEhelicity electron neutrinos in the magnetic -eld of the solar radiative zone. Subject headings: Sun: interior E Sun: magnetic -elds E Sun: particle emission
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