Using Electro‐Magnetic Induction to Determine Soil Salinity and Sodicity in Turf Root Zones

Autor: Girisha Ganjegunte, Bernhard Leinauer, Matteo Serena, Marco Schiavon
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Agronomy Journal. 105:836-844
ISSN: 1435-0645
Popis: The traditional method of determining electrical conductivity (ECₑ) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) from saturated paste is destructive and time consuming. The electromagnetic induction (EMI) method determines apparent electrical conductivity (ECₐ) and offers an alternative to traditional wet chemistry methods. This study evaluated the effects of 2 yr of subsurface-drip and sprinkler irrigation with saline water on soil salinity and sodicity using both EMI technique and wet chemistry methods. Site specific calibration equations used to estimate ECₑ and SAR from ECₐ values were derived using a multiple linear regression (MLR) model included in the ECₑ sampling assessment and prediction model developed by the U.S. Salinity Laboratory. The ECₑ and SAR values were strongly correlated with ECₐ, with R² ranging from 0.82 to 0.98. Both wet chemistry methods and EMI data indicated that salinity and sodicity values were greater in turf irrigated with saline water from a subsurface drip system compared to a sprinkler system. Salinity in the top 30 cm ranged from 7 mmol¹/² L–¹/² when saline water was applied from the drip system. Study results indicated that the EMI technique provides accurate predictions of the spatial distribution of both salinity and sodicity in turf soils watered from differing irrigation systems and water qualities.
Databáze: OpenAIRE