Die Übersetzung eines spanischen notariellen Dokuments: eine Fallstudie

Autor: Iris Holl, Pilar Elena
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Lebende Sprachen. 58
ISSN: 1868-0267
DOI: 10.1515/les-2013-0018
Popis: As is widely known, when translators immerse themselves in new specialized fields they need to acquire knowledge of the topic and textual structure, without which it would be virtually impossible to interpret the source text (ST) meaning correctly. This is why we believe that developing quick and efficient acquisition of new knowledge must be a priority of translator training. In what follows, we present a case study method applied to German-language Ehevertrag, i.e. prenuptial agreements, which are a very specific type of notarial document. The method is applied in four phases. During the first phase, an initial diagnosis of pre-existing knowledge is conducted, leading to a second stage of case description and examination of all possibilities and/or alternatives available for systematic documentation. Once all available new information has been selected and prioritized in what comprises the third stage of our method, possible conclusions are drawn and applied not only to the task of interpreting the ST but also to the fourth-stage task of planning strategies and techniques for translating the ST.
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