An Inverse Problem Approach for the Optimization of the Haverkamp and van Genuchten Retention Curves Parameters with the Luus-Jaakola Method

Autor: Wagner Rambaldi Telles, Gustavo Bastos Lyra, Fábio Freitas Ferreira, Antônio José da Silva Neto, Marcelo de Oliveira Temperini
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics.
ISSN: 2359-0793
Popis: The movement of water in the soil is an important process in studies of management and conservation of water resources, irrigation and drainage, as well as in the transport of solutes (nutrients and pesticides). The water transport in the soil can be described numerically using Richards equation, which combines Darcy’s law and the continuity equation. However, for its solution, it is necessary to know the relationship between soil water content and pressure head, described by a water retention curve. The water retention curve can be represented by several empirical models, in which their coefficients must be fitted to different soil types. [...]
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