Analysis of the distribution of functionality types and the mechanism of hydroxyoligobutadiene formation in lithium-initiated polymerization

Autor: L.T. Kasumova, V.K. Kol'tover, Ya. I. Estrin
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Polymer Science U.S.S.R.. 33:2283-2287
ISSN: 0032-3950
DOI: 10.1016/0032-3950(91)90078-5
Popis: By the chromatographic method, under near to critical conditions, the distribution of functionality types was studied with hydroxyoligobutadienes synthesized with an initiator prepared by reaction of lithium with 2,4-hexadiene. It was shown that already at the stage of initiator synthesis, besides the required dilithium molecules, also mono- and trilithium compounds are formed in the reaction mixture, and in consequences of this the resulting oligomers contain mono-, bi- and trifunctional molecules. The number-average functionality of the oligomers can reach a value near to two, although the content of the bifunctional fraction does not exceed 60%. It was found that the solution of the initiator contains paramagnetic particles with a very narrow singlet EPR signal. Assumptions concerning possible mechanisms of functionality redistribution in the initiator solution are presented, including transmetallation processes and (or) reactions involving free-radical centres.
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