Effects of white-tailed deer on vegetation structure and woody seedling composition in three forest types on the Piedmont Plateau

Autor: Bryan Gorsira, Steven C. Patch, C. Reed Rossell
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Forest Ecology and Management. 210:415-424
ISSN: 0378-1127
Popis: White-tailed deer ( Ododcoileus virginiana ) can substantially affect the structure and species composition of a forest. The tolerance of a forest community to browsing may vary by type as a result of varying biotic and abiotic factors of the environment. To date, no studies have compared the effects of browsing among forest communities within a physiographic region. We investigated the effects of browsing on vegetation structure and woody seedling composition in three forest types (oak–hickory, Virginia pine–eastern red cedar, bottomland hardwood) in Manassas National Battlefield Park (MNBP), Virginia, USA. We compared forb cover, vertical plant cover (0–1.5 m tall), and survival of tagged seedlings in 10 exclosed (2 m × 6 m) and 10 unexclosed plots in each forest type during a 5-year period. No differential effects of browsing were found among forest types. In all forest types, deer (67 deer/km 2 ) suppressed forb and vertical plant cover to levels less than would be expected in the absence of deer. Seedling survival rates of most species were significantly reduced by browsing. By the 4th year of the study, box elder ( Acer negundo ), hickory ( Carya spp.), and red maple ( Acer rubrum ) had been eliminated from unexclosed plots, and red and white oaks ( Quercus spp.) dramatically reduced. Ash ( Fraxinus spp.), black cherry ( Prunus serotina ), and hackberry ( Celtis occidentalis ), although significantly impacted, remained the most abundant species throughout the study. These findings suggest that white-tailed deer may be modifying the structure of the forest interior to the extent that it adversely affects wildlife species dependent on a dense understory to thrive. We predict that the future composition of forests in MNBP will shift towards stands with fewer species and a greater dominance of ash, black cherry, and hackberry, particularly in the oak–hickory and bottomland hardwood forests, where the majority of current dominants are most affected.
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