Optical and electric properties of composite films based on alicyclic polyimide and polyaniline

Autor: A. A. Matnishyan, Rinat Iskakov, M. B. Umerzakova, O. Yu. Prikhodko, B. E. Alpysbaeva, V. D. Kravtsova, B. A. Zhubanov
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Optics and Spectroscopy. 118:537-541
ISSN: 1562-6911
Popis: Composite films based on alicyclic polyimide with nanosized polyaniline are studied. It is shown that the new film material has a high transmission in the visible and UV spectral regions. Hybrid films that include up to 12 wt % of polyaniline in the polyimide matrix, are stable upon heating in air up to 360–370°C, and have electric conductivity of 5.0 × 10−2 Ω−1cm−1 are obtained by in situ polymerization of aniline.
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