El camino de la fórmula: el caso del uso de tiourea para limpieza de plata

Autor: Jannen Contreras Vargas
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Intervención Revista Internacional de Conservación Restauración y Museología. 1:45-51
ISSN: 2007-249X
DOI: 10.30763/intervencion.rev1_art10
Popis: The use of thiourea for the cleaning of silver cultural heritage has not been absolutely convenient. Apart from having a 0-pH, as a result from the presence of clorhidric acid, which affects the conservation of the constituent materials, the bibliography indicates that its residues cannot be completely eliminated, that it forms secondary by-products, and that it might cause superficial micro-fissures. Hence, this article critics its use, as an example of the application of materials, that by habit –without investigating its consequences, its mechanisms of action, its interactions, and its secondary by-products– have lead to serious mistakes in the intervention. It additionally analyses the profesional attitude that can place restoration as an art-craft: an activity that prioritizes manual skills and the application of formulas over the self-reflection and investigation. It concludes that a scientific thinking is indispensable for the discipline development.
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