Validation of ICT-based protection and control applications in electric power systems

Autor: Lena Robitzky, Olaf Spinczyk, Christian Rehtanz, J. Götze, Boguslaw Jablkowski, Johanna M. A. Myrzik, Sebastian Krey, M. Kuech, Andreas Kubis, Christian Wietfeld, C. Langesberg, Claus Weihs, Ulf Häger, Uwe Ligges, Nils Dorsch, Hanno Georg, D. Mayorga, Sven Christian Muller, Dirk Surmann
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: 2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech.
Popis: The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based power system applications increases continually which poses new engineering challenges regarding the development, validation and management of both - the applications and the intertwined infrastructures. In this paper the need for a joint analysis of power and ICT systems for evaluating smart grid applications is discussed and a systematic validation approach is proposed. After reviewing state of the art validation techniques, a newly developed Wide-Area Monitoring, Protection and Control (WAMPAC) system is introduced. Its extensive use of wide-area communication and the combination of centralized and decentralized decision making stress the complexity of such a cyber-physical system, where the interdependency between the power system and the ICT domains are challenging to validate. Deduced from these requirements, a validation concept is proposed that comprises (i) the usage of a comprehensive smart grid reference model, (ii) a systematic and objectively verifiable generation of scenarios, and (iii) a single and multi-domain validation process using analytical, simulative and experimental techniques. For the latter, a composition of analyses using co-simulation, Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) simulations and an empirical test bed is outlined.
Databáze: OpenAIRE