Generous Throughput Oriented Channel Assignment for Infra-Structured WiFi Networks

Autor: Feng Wang, Lei Cao, Hadi Kasasbeh, Ramanarayanan Viswanathan
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: WCNC
DOI: 10.1109/wcnc.2017.7925606
Popis: IEEE 802.11 protocol uses random frequency channel assignment which can severely degrade the network throughput. This paper presents a novel efficient throughput oriented frequency channel assignment mechanism with low complexity for the infra-structured IEEE 802.11 based WiFi networks. The core idea of this assignment mechanism is to choose the frequency channel that is just good enough to maximize the number of served users per access point (AP) and leave the over-qualified frequency channels to other APs that may be in need for using them. Unlike other proposed works which aim to solve this IEEE 802.11 problem while ignoring some important network factors (e.g. out- of-system interference, the random AP deployment in reality, the APs not owned by one administrator, etc.), the proposed assignment mechanism takes these factors in consideration. The proposed mechanism performance is compared with the Random, the Greedy and the CACAO channel assignment mechanisms. The results show a remarkable throughput and fairness improvement of the proposed scheme while reserving the simplicity and realism.
Databáze: OpenAIRE