Folding of the Gediz Graben Fill, SW Turkey: Extensional and/or Contractional Origin?

Autor: Erdin Bozkurt, N. Bozkurt Çiftçi
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Geodinamica Acta. 21:145-167
ISSN: 1778-3593
DOI: 10.3166/ga.21.145-167
Popis: Folds constitute a significant part within the dominantly extension-related deformation pattern of the Gediz Graben and their origin either extensional or contractional has been the subject of debate. Field and subsurface data presented in this paper suggest that folds of contractional and extensional origin coexist in the graben-fill sediments. Contractional folds are predominantly observed within the Alasehir formation. A north vergent, plunging, asymmetrical to overturned geometry characterizes these folds and they are commonly observed in association with south dipping both thrust and reverse faults; the presence of thrust/reverse faults in the Gediz Graben is documented for the first time here. Fault data suggest an approximately N–S direction of compression that has governed the contractional deformation. Yet the limited distribution of these structures prevents to relate them with confidence to a regional deformation phase. Extensional folds occur in association with normal faults either as structu...
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